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The benefits of music lessons are seen from the early school years. Music is recognized by many researchers as a kind of modality that develops the human mind, promotes balance, providing a pleasant state of well-being, facilitating concentration and the development of reasoning, especially in reflective questions aimed at philosophical thinking . According to studies carried out by German researchers, people who analyze musical tones have 25% larger brain area compared to individuals who do not work with music, as well as those who studied musical notes and rhythmic divisions, obtained notes 100% larger than the other colleagues in relation to a given math content. Based on research, children who develop a work with music perform better in school and in life as a whole and generally have higher grades in terms of school aptitude. The appreciation of children's contact with music had been around for a long time, Plato said that "music is a more powerful educational instrument than any other". Today this view presented by Plato is perfectly understandable, since music trains the brain for relevant forms of reasoning. Here is a reflection for parents and especially educators, seeking to include music in their planning, as well as creating strategies aimed at this area, encouraging the child to study music, whether through singing or practicing with a musical instrument, this from education childish.


By Elen Campos Caiado Graduated in Speech Therapy and Pedagogy

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